Pr 24:16 For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity. Ro 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (NKJV)
 Last week as some of you know J.J. and I were confined to the house waiting on our healing to manifest. During that time as we were experiencing some very aggravating stomach issues we also were watching two of our grandchildren two of those days. 
I had a lot of thoughts during that time. I thought about people who have been sick for a long time and the physical, spiritual, and psychological battle that it is for them. I also thought how when I see a prayer request come by text message, Facebook, or email whether I can pray long, or short I want to be sure and pray for the people. 
Now let’s get to the reason that the Holy Spirit gave me this topic. Last week was one of those weeks that I said that I don’t have time to deal with not feeling good. Everyday there was something that I felt like was important that I should be doing. I began to get frustrated. I got ill with J.J. I got ill with our grandchildren. I even got ill with one person that called me that needed ministry. I felt like I totally blew it as a husband, granddaddy, Pastor, and as a Christian. Then the enemy really began to grind it in.  
Well when this happens you can either give up, or you can run to Jesus. Well I went in the other direction forty years ago and I know what that leads to. It leads to drunkenness, drug use, unholy relationships and an even bigger mess.  
When the passage in Proverbs talks about the righteous falling seven times seven is an infinite number in the Bible. When we fall our Heavenly Father is there ready to pick us up. He is not telling us to go and to willfully sin. He is telling us to not let the devil convince us that we have blown it and that God will not forgive us. 
He picked me up last Thursday Night and we had a great heart to heart talk. Actually, we had several long overdue ones over the next couple of days. He pointed out how many things that He had taken care of for me during the week. He really did a lot better job than I would have done. Isn’t that just like God. 
Today you may be reading this and feel like you have made some mistakes today that are too big for God to forgive. You may be hearing that voice telling you that you are not really a Christian. That is not God. He is saying to us today “1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 
 So, my friend if you have fallen short of the Glory of God today don’t lay down in the mire. Allow God to pick you up. I remember several years ago a speaker at an athletic banquet I attended made the following statement “a setback is an opportunity for a comeback.”
We have A Comeback Specialist like no other on your side. They thought that He was down for the count one Friday afternoon. But the Apostle Paul tells us about His comeback in 1Co 15:4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,2Co 5:15 and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.

 He will pick you up! And He will never let you down!
Let Us Pray

Lord Jesus thank You that You paid the price for us to walk in victory. Thank you for turning our setbacks into comebacks.

In Jesus Name


It is an honor to share these GET TOGETHERS with you each week. Love you all.

Your Friend/Kinfolk


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