GET TOGETHER-He Is Always Looking For Those who Are Lost  

This week I have been playing catchup. We were on vacation last week. This is a rerun from a few years ago, but I really believe that the Holy Spirit has a reason for me choosing this one today. 

He Is Always Looking For Those who Are Lost

Luke 15:8-10

  “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?

“And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost! “Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”


            The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to teach a New Testament Course at Bevill State Community College here in Hamilton, Alabama. Today when I got to the church and looked for my USB drive in which I keep all of my past Friend and Family Devotionals along with some other important work I could not find the drive. When I back tracked I went back to where I parked yesterday and my USB drive was on top of the parking curb where I had parked and it was damaged from where either me or someone else had ran over it.

            J.J. has been telling me for weeks that I needed to put the info on another USB for a spare. Well I should have known that the Holy Spirit was speaking through her, but I just never thought about it anymore until today.

            Before I found the drive I had searched everywhere looking for it. I went back to my house. I looked in the pants that I wore yesterday. I looked in my cluttered basket full of coins, keys, and several things that need to be thrown away. I went to a great amount of trouble before I finally found it there in the parking lot at Bevill State.

            It was very much damaged when I found it, but it still looked usable to me. I have been trying all day to get it to work and at this point it will not. But I am not giving up yet. You know God will go to a lot of trouble to look for those who are lost. He will go into the classrooms. He will go into the bars and nightclubs. He will go into the crack houses and meth labs. He will go into the nice middle class homes that seem like they have it all together, but are hurting and lonely on the inside. He like the woman that Jesus was talking about in this parable will sweep the house very carefully until He finds the One that He is lost.

            The Lord may fix that USB drive for me and He may not. I know that He can if He chooses. There are many people who look worse spiritually than that USB Drive looks naturally. They look broken, fragmented and may feel that they have no purpose in life. You may be or know someone who is like that. But the one who is looking very hard for you or them can fix them in a way that no human being can. And when this happens a party breaks out with the angels. 

            My current attempt to get the USB drive to work involves leaving it in the refrigerator for a while and then trying it. God has a better plan for those He finds. He wraps them in His loving arms. Then He teaches them how to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit as He restores, repairs, and redeems all that has been lost.


Let Us Pray

Lord we thank You that You looked real hard for us. Thank You Lord that You did not give up when some of the places that you went looking for us were places that were very appalling to you. Some of those places stunk. In some of those places we committed gross evil, but thank You Jesus that You never gave up. For some of these who may be lost today. We pray that they hear Your voice saying Mt 11:28-30 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Let the angels begin to party


In Jesus Name





Thanks to all of you who encourage u sin the Lord. We praise Him for you and for what He has done and will do in our lives and in yours.

Your Friend/Kinfolk


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